The Grand Cognac Culture
Published in Liquid magazine July – August 2012. Written by Karina Aggarwal
Think cognac and immediately your mind drifts to an image of a wood panelled room with a distinguished gentleman sitting in a red leather high-backed chair beside a toasty flame, with a cognac-filled balloon glass in one hand and a cigar in the other. To most of us that’s the right way to drink cognac, isn’t it? Not anymore.
There’s a new cognac culture that’s slowly taking over in India. This one is more about chilled -18 degree C shots than any snifter.
Read the whole story here
The changing face of the #Cognac Culture in India http://t.co/bvt2tN9U @ChillwithRemy @remymartin @VincentCleme
RT @Giggle_water: The changing face of the #Cognac Culture in India http://t.co/bvt2tN9U @ChillwithRemy @remymartin @VincentCleme