First Sip: Historic Munich beer now in India
If you’re ever in Munich slot in a few hours at Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, one of the oldest beer halls in the city (hic!). A historic brewery that’s an official part of the Oktoberfest, Hofbräu was founded by the Duke of Bavaria in 1589…

Foster’s: In with the new
It’s been a while since I’ve tasted ‘Australia’s Famous Brand’ of beer and so I was quite intrigued to try it now that it has a new look, a new feel and, I’m told, a new brew. The two variants, christened…

Beer Review: Bohemian King
The latest beer to hit the shelves here in Delhi is being touted as ‘the first Czech beer in India’. Bohemian King is conceptualised and branded for India, using the knowhow of the folks at Brevnov brewery in Prague, which…